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Science at the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus | Zugspitze

Ein Buch über das Schneefernerhaus

Science at the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus | Zugspitze

Prof. Dr. Michael Bittner; Ed. (Coordinator Science Team UFS)

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Our book about Germany´s highest research station

The Alpine region is particularly sensitive to variations of the Earth’s climate. Here, temperatures alter more strongly, the lengths of the
seasons shift more noticeably, and changes in the water balance and the flow system of the atmosphere are more perceptible than
in many other places on Earth. At the same time, the Alps are among the most densely populated mountain regions in the world.

This book is intended to provide an insight into the diversity of scientific work in the UFS and also to put the work carried out in the context of current international research. In particular, it should also be able to be used as a source for the teaching of young scientists at universities.
For this reason, the respective chapters also contain an outline of the technical basis of the research work presented.


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