LMU Munich - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Meteorological Institut
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Department of Geography
University Hospital of Munich
Member of the Consortium

Meteorological Institute

Solar UV radiation

Solar UV radiation has an influence on human health, on air chemistry, and on weathering. Due to the elevation, at Zugspitze the solar UV radiation reaches the highest values in Germany.  Routine observations of UV radiation are made at UFS in collaboration with the Medical University of Innsbruck, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection and the Environment Agency UBA. The data are provided online to the public, both as UVI values and as part of UV maps. The variability of the UV radiation is investigated in combination with other meteorological parameters that are measured at UFS. Additionally, a sun photometer retrieves Aerosol Optical Depth values, an important parameter in the radiative transfer of the atmosphere.

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Bavarian Seismic Network – the Mt. Zugspitze: a “test case” for studying topographic effects

The Bavarian Seismic Network (a joined initiative of the StMUG, LfU and LMU) is responsible for monitoring the seismic activity in Bavaria. The main reasons for running this network are to inform the public in case of an earthquake and to strengthen the research capabilities. In addition, the Bavarian Seismic Network is embedded into European and German initiatives for modernizing the seismological infrastructure in Europe. The seismic station ZUGS, which is installed in a gallery of the Schneefernerhaus, is an excellent example for the synergy of surveillance and science. The seismic station improves the capabilities for monitoring seismically active areas in the Inn valley/Ester mountain region. Furthermore, it serves as “natural” laboratory for studying seismic wave propagation in areas with steep topography which in turn can lead to enhanced damage patterns.

Department of Geography

Snow hydrological modelling - Using processbased models for analyzing the hydrology of the Zugspitzplatt

The Department of Geography uses proces based models (SnowModel and ALPINE3D) for a detailed analysis of the hydrology of the Zugspitzplatt catchment. The application of the named models allows for a reconstruction of the energy and moisture fluxes and will lead to a better understanding of the test sites hydrology. In addition, the uncertainties of the used model approaches are investigated. For doing so, suitable input data series of different meteorological drivers are available. Additional scenario runs, which will be in accordance with the IPCC scenarios, will show future variances of the Zugspitzplatt catchments runoff generation and of the snow coverage.

University Hospital of Munich - Pneumology

Development of specific health indices for pulmonary diseases

Over the years the environment has gradually changed as a result of global climate change. It is assumed that these changes have also impacted human health. The "health indices" are based on the combination of different atmospheric parameters, derived for example from satellite measurements, with medical data. The fact that environmental factors like temperature, air pressure, tropospheric ozone concentrations, particulate matter and other atmospheric trace gas concentrations impact human health is indisputable. However, there is still medical research to be done to create a reliable weighting of various external factors on the health status of patients. In this interdisciplinary investigation, an air quality model will be used to characterize the relative impact of various environmental factors on the course of pulmonary diseases. The results of this investigation will be validated and optimized based on a cohort of patients with pulmonary disease as part of a health study at the environmental research station Schneefernerhaus (UFS).

Health information service for COPD and asthma for Bavaria

The LMU-DLR cooperation project “Health information service for COPD and asthma for Bavaria” aims at the provision of riskinformation for patients suffering from chronic pulmonary diseases. Relevant environmental and medical data sets are analyzed in order to quantify the effect of environmental factors on patients’ well-being. This knowledge allows the provision of easily understandable information about health risks to the general public. Moreover, this projects targets at providing warnings in case of predicted (up to three days in advance) environmental situations, which are unfavorable for the patients’ health.

Influence of highaltitude climate on allergies and environmental diseases

Recent climate change has been influencing the timing, duration and intensity of the pollen season in the northern hemisphere, which is one major observed climate change impact on human health.